13.9.2024 (Salzburg): Die CLARIAH-AT Roadshow ist die öffentliche Abschlussveranstaltung der Summerschool "Vom Archiv zum Algorithmus. Digital Humanities in der Praxis"
13.9.2024 (Salzburg): Die CLARIAH-AT Roadshow ist die öffentliche Abschlussveranstaltung der Summerschool "Vom Archiv zum Algorithmus. Digital Humanities in der Praxis"
23.9.2024 (online): This CLARIN Café showcases the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery portal for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities, and its close connections with the CLARIN infrastructure.
10.9.2024 (Vienna): The ACDH-CH is looking forward to welcoming Nikola Ljubešić, who will provide some insights on the research project “ParlaMint - How recent developments in NLP help us reveal the hidden treasures of parliamentary proceedings”:
17.6.2024 (Vienna): ACDH-CH Lecture with Tobias Blanke: "Researching the Digital Human with contemporary AI."
7.06.2024 (online): This workshop is tailored for PhD students in the Social Sciences and Humanities who are eager to expand their research skills and utilize innovative tools and resources available through the SSH Open Marketplace.
30.5.2024 (Reykjavik): Paper presentation by Jurgita Vaičenonienė, Michal Kren, Vesna Lušicky and Vincent Vandeghinste at DHNB 2024.
14.6.2024 (online): This CLARIN Café aims to provide an overview of available open educational resources that can be used in translation technology teaching & learning.
23.5.2024 (Vienna): The Directory of the Austrian Parliament invites you to the second event in the Parliamentary Archives' series "Parliament and Democracy – Yesterday and Today", which focuses on the diaries of the politician Joseph Maria Baernreither.
22.5.2024 (Vienna): For this workshop a basic understanding of TEI is necessary (participants will receive introductory training material on TEI XML).
9.-13.9., Salzburg; Be part of the CLARIAH-AT Summer School 2024, held at PLUS Salzburg! Registration deadline: June 9, 2024.
18.4.24, hybrid (Vienna): ACDH-CH Lecture with Alíz Horváth: "Why does language matter in DH? Multilingual DH as a phenomenon in digital research and infrastructures."
12.3.2024 (online): This CLARIN Café introduces the LadderWeb Project, highlighting the steps accomplished to collect and (automatically) annotate the corpus as well as develop the code for the automatic annotation. It also includes a demo and best practice recommendations for educators using the web interface.
6.3.2024 (Vienna): To participate in this workshop, no experience with Transkribus is necessary. This workshop is not only aimed at digital humanists, those interested in fields such as local history, family history, history and document research are also cordially invited.
23.1.24, hybrid (Vienna): ACDH-CH Lecture with Andreas Witt: "Digital Linguistics".
8.12.23 (Graz): The workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of methodological insights & the creation of synergies through the mutual sharing of digital language resources.
8.11.2023 (Vienna): Participation in the workshop requires a profound knowledge of Transkribus and the use of the "Transkribus Expert Client". The browser-based "Transkribus Lite Editor" will also be used.
Tuesdays, 4:45 – 6:15PM (Vienna/hybrid); Lecture Circuit of the DH Department at the University of Vienna int he winter semester of 2023/24
23.11.2023, hybrid (Vienna): ACDH-CH Lecture with Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya: "Culturomics and Construction Grammar".
Mondays, 5:15 – 6:45 PM (hybrid); lecture series of the IZMF in the winter semester of 2023/24.
Tuesdays 5-6PM, online; The transitions presented in the webinars deal primarily with the challenges that arise in the creation of digital editions.
22.09.23, online; You're invited to enjoy a personal introduction to the DARIAH Campus platform! Explore the ability to seamlessly incorporate your institution's courses into the curriculum to reach a wider audience online.
16.06.23, onsite (Vienna); In this Tool Gallery, you will learn how to use Transkribus in order to be able to use the possibility of automated text transcription for your documents.
6.6.23, hybrid (Krems a.D.); The third conference of "MUSEUM+RECHT" will focus on the use of artificial intelligence in connection with the creation of artworks and their curation. The aim is to evaluate questions around innovative methods of art education across disciplines.
3.5.2023, hybrid (Vienna); ACDH-CH Lecture with Toma Tasovac: "Digital Humanities and the (Unsurprising?) Tenacity of the Print Mind".
16.5.2023, onsite (University of Vienna); Workshop with Pasi Ihalainen on writing conceptual history in an age of increasingly digitised primary sources and computer-assisted reading techniques. They discuss the implications of digitisation to conceptual history, bridging traditional and digital research.
Be part of a unique opportunity from May 22 – 26 2023, and register now to join our exploration team in the heart of Vienna on their journey into hidden stories from the past!
3\. – 4.4.2023, hybrid (Salzburg & online); Workshop on the "Interface of Medieval Studies" ("Schnittstelle Mediävistik") within the framework of the DFG "Network Open Middle Ages" ("Netzwerk offenes Mittelalter") on Linked Open Data (LOD).
30.32023, hybrid (Vienna);\ ACDH-CH Lecture with Achim Rabus: "Exploring the Boundaries: The Present and Future of AI-powered Handwritten Text Recognition".
12.4.2023, onsite;\ In the course of this workshop, held onsite and in German language, an introduction to the programming language XSLT will be given by Christian Steiner & Christopher Pollin.
23\. – 24.02.2023, hybrid\ Within the framework of Digital Editions, this workshop includes tool presentations and tool dating that invites to discuss specific use cases with the experts.
11.1.2023, online: workshop on early modern book history-related data & tools. If you have data or tools to share yourself, or if you are just interested to listen, you are welcome to participate online!
8\. – 10.2.2023, onsite\ This workshop will provide a conceptual introduction to the processes involved, coupled with hands-on exercises that focus on the ways that we, as humanists, can curate content and manage metadata to make the best use of new tools available.
Friday, 13.1.2023 (hybrid)\ This workshop will present what needs to be considered when creating (digital) learning and teaching materials.
Dec. 13, 2022 (hybrid)\ ACDH-CH Lecture with Anne Luther: "Contextualizing Museum Data: Digitization, Infrastructure and digital Literacy"
Nov. 8, 13:30 (onsite)\ "Digital Methods" – opening up to the new, rescuing the old, questioning what's taken for granted. Live-seminar with Univ.Prof. Dr. Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda.
Nov. 10, 2022 (hybrid)\ Walter Scholger will give a talk about "CLARIAH-AT: A national infrastructure consortium, research network & strategy program for Austrian Digital Humanities"
29\. Nov. 2022, 16.45, onsite ACDH-CH Lecture with Maximilian Schich: "Cultural Analysis as a Multidisciplinary Science".
4 Oct. 2022, 16:00 (CET), hybrid\ ACDH-CH Lecture with Richard Rogers: "The Problem with Social Media Research".
Oct. 17-18 2022, online Workshop incl. World-Café
Oct. 19, 18.30 (onsite)\ ACDH-CH Lecture with Sebastian Heith: "The Role of Simplicity and Linking in the Practice of digital Archaeology"
The topic of this D|C|H-Speed Dating was how to set up successful cooperations between science and cultural heritage.