ACDH-CH Tool Gallery 9.2: Transkribus for Beginners
When: Wednesday, June 14th 2023; 09:00 – 12:30
Where: Seminarraum 1, Campus Akademie, Bäckerstraße 13, 1010 Vienna
Registration: Please register via this link before June 12th.
Language: German
Transkribus is one of the most popular tools for the automated transcription of manuscripts and prints. Developed at the University of Innsbruck, users can draw on various tools and support from the community, which now numbers well over 100,000 users and is constantly publishing new models, thus making accessible and re-usable research available in the spirit of Open Science. In this Tool Gallery, you will learn how to use Transkribus in order to be able to use the possibility of automated text transcription for your documents.
Prerequisits and Background Skills
No experience with Transkribus is necessary to participate in the workshop. This workshop is not only aimed at digital humanists, but also those interested in local history, genealogy, history and document research are also cordially invited.
Please make sure that you install the so-called “Expert Client” on your device before the Tool Gallery:
Installation instructions for the Expert Client: https://help.transkribus.com/de/herunterladen-und-installieren-von-transkribus-expert
Troubleshooting during installation:
Robert Klugseder is historian and Transkribus-specialist at the ACDH-CH, he has a wide range of practical experience from using the Transkribus tools for editing historical sources from the Middle Ages to modern times. Klugseder is a lecturer for Read Coop SCE, the operator of Transkribus, and regularly offers workshops and courses on the subject.