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Vom Archiv ins Digitale. Die Tagebücher des altösterreichischen Politikers Joseph M. Baernreither. Projektpräsentation der digitalen Edition.

When: Thursday, May 23rd 2024 – 5 PM

Where: Parlament Österreich, Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3 , 1017 Vienna – Theophil Hansen | Lokal 3

Organizer: Harald Dossi, Director of Parliament

Registration: Please register via this link.

Kindly note that this event is held in German.

The Directory of the Austrian Parliament invites you to the second event in the Parliamentary Archives’ series “Parliament and Democracy – Yesterday and Today”, which focuses on the diaries of the politician Joseph Maria Baernreither. Baernreither (1845-1925) played a key role in shaping the politics of the final decades of the Habsburg Monarchy as a member of the Imperial Council, a member of the House of Lords and a minister. His diaries are now being researched and made available to the public as a digital edition.



Harald Dossi

Vortrag: “Die Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs und das Projekt Baernreither-Tagebücher”

Kurt Scharr
Ordinarius für Österreichische Geschichte an der Universität Innsbruck
Vorsitzender der Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs

Vortrag: “Joseph M. Baernreither als Politiker”

Franz Adlgasser
Senior Scientist am Institut für die Erforschung der Habsburgermonarchie und des Balkanraumes der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Vortrag: “Die Tagebücher Baernreithers”

Doris Corradini
Archiv-Referentin Abteilung 5.4 Bibliothek und Archiv

Vortrag: “Die digitale Edition”

Richard Hörmann
IT-Consultant, Innsbruck


Fragerunde unter Mitwirkung des Publikums

Abschließende Worte

Doris Corradini
Archiv-Referentin Abteilung 5.4 Bibliothek und Archiv



Karin Schneider
Archiv-Referentin Abteilung 5.4 Bibliothek und Archiv

Further information as well as the registration link is available at the website of the Austrian Parliament.

The project “Prototype of a Historical-Critical Online Edition based on the Estate Materials of Josef Maria Baernreither” was funded as part of the CLARIAH-AT funding call 2022 Interoperability and Reusability of DH data and tools.

Austrian Parliament