CLARIN Café - SSHOC Marketplace and Workflows
When: Monday, September 23rd, 2024; 14:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
Where: virtual Zoom meeting
Hosts: Cristina Grisot, Alexander König & Michael Kurzmeier (members of the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board)
Registration: Please register for free using this link in order to receive the meeting room details.
This CLARIN Café showcases the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities, and its close connections with the CLARIN infrastructure.
More specifically, it aims to:
i) provide an overview of the types of resources available on the SSH Open Marketplace, such as tools and services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows,
ii) discuss the challenges and the opportunities linked to adding CLARIN resources to the SSH Open Marketplace, and
iii) introduce the notion of ‘workflow’ and make a demo of how workflows are built on the SSH Open Marketplace platform. The presentations will include references to CLARIN language resources, and will argue that their registration on the SSH Open Marketplace and their inclusion in workflows increases their added value and reusability potential.
This CLARIN Café is organised in the framework of a paper entitled ‘The SSH Open Marketplace and CLARIN’, presented at the CLARIN 2023 Annual Conference and published in its proceedings. The Café will be followed by an onsite workshop organised at the CLARIN 2024 Annual Conference, which will represent a hands-on session tailored to the CLARIN community about building workflows and implementing them on the SSH Open Marketplace. Participants of the CLARIN Café who also plan to attend the CLARIN 2024 Annual Conference, are invited to register for the workshop, which will give them an opportunity to conceptualise and to implement their own workflows.
SSH open MarketplaceTarget Audience
Researchers and research infrastructure professionals from language and other SSH disciplines, CLARIN members, and anyone interested in learning how to enhance the findability of their resources by adding them to the SSH Open Marketplace.
Draft programme (to be confirmed):
14:00 - 14:05 Opening and CLARIN 101. By Alexander König (CLARIN)
14.05 - 14.35 What is the SSH Open Marketplace and why use it? By Cristina Grisot
14.35 - 15.05 How to add CLARIN resources on the SSH Open Marketplace? By Alexander König
15.05-15.35 How to build workflows on the SSH Open Marketplace? By Michael Kurzmeier
15.35-14.00 - Q & A and discussion
The speakers are all members of the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board:
- Cristina Grisot is a researcher in Language Sciences and Communication, as well as Project Manager. Currently coordinating the Swiss nodes of CLARIN and DARIAH at the University of Zurich and at the Swiss National Center for Data & Services for the Humanities DaSCH, Cristina Grisot has been a member of the SSH Open Marketplace since October 2022.
- Alexander König is a member of the technical team of the CLARIN ERIC Central Hub. Apart from providing general maintenance of the central services, he is heavily involved with the CLARIN Resource Families and represents the Central Hub on the Editorial Board of the SSH Open Marketplace.
- Michael Kurzmeier currently holds the position of Research Infrastructure Officer at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. With a Ph.D. in Digital Humanities, his research focused on Political Communication within Web Defacements. His postdoctoral work emphasized digital scholarly editions for born-digital data.
A full overview of planned CLARIN Café sessions can be found on the CLARIN Café page.
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