Conference on Cultural Heritage & New Technologies: Cultural Heritage - NextGen
Innovative Approaches in Documentation, Research, Management and Education
The association CHNT-ICOMOS Austria was founded in early 2021 to organise the annual Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. It is a sister association of the Austrian National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). The association has around 20 members who contribute to the continuous development of the conference and participate intensively in the preparations.
The City of Vienna (Department 7 – Cultural Affairs) is the association’s cooperation partner and is hosting the event in the Vienna City Hall.
When: November 10, 2022
Where: Bundesdenkmalamt / Federal Monuments Authority Austria Ahnensaal I Hofburg, 1010 Vienna & online
Registration: Please check the conference website.
Session: Digitales Gedächtnis in Österreich (CLARIAH-AT)
A national infrastructure consortium, research network and strategy program for Austrian Digital Humanities
Speaker: Walter Scholger, University of Graz, CLARIAH-AT, Austria
Keywords: digital humanities, research infrastructure, digital cultural heritage
CHNT Reference: Scholger, W. (2022). ‘CLARIAH-AT: A national infrastructure consortium, research network and strategy program for Austrian Digital Humanities’, in CHNT Editorial board. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, November 2022. Heidelberg: Propylaeum.
The CLARIAH-AT Consortium
CLARIAH-AT is the consortium of Austrian universities and research institutions that coordinates and drives Austrian activities in the European ESFRI research infrastructures CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. The consortium brings together Austrian institutions with relevant expertise in research, development and teaching in the field of Digital Humanities as well as in the establishment and sustainable operation of research (data) infrastructures, which also play an active role in the Austrian development of Digital Humanities and the establishment and expansion of technical and social infrastructures for the humanities in general.
In June 2019, the core group of CLARIAH-AT reconstituted itself by signing a consortium agreement between the participating institutions, which was extended indefinitely in March 2021 and now unites the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Austrian National Library (ÖNB), University for Continuing Education Krems, University of Graz, University of Innsbruck, University of Klagenfurt, University of Salzburg, University of Vienna in the consortium.
The Digital Humanities Austria Strategy 2021+
The strategy paper Digital Humanities Austria Strategy 2021+ is based on preliminary work by the consortium and a consultation of the Austrian professional community in the field of Digital Humanities. It defines four guidelines for the future development of Digital Humanities in Austria as a tentative roadmap, and serves as a work program for the working groups of the same name:
- Research infrastructures and networks
- Research data and repositories
- Methods, services and tools
- Education, training and knowledge transfer
In the current work period 2021-23, these four working groups are carrying out a diverse program of activities to advance and support the further development of Digital Humanities in Austria. In addition to networking events and workshops, the CLARIAH-AT consortium is particularly committed to promoting DH projects and young scholars.
Another focus of the strategy is building and promoting cooperation between memory and research institutions: CLARIAH-AT hopes to achieve more than simply digital duplication or the mere provision of collections by promoting collaborations which will generate new insights andl open up new possibilities for the (open and accessible) dissemination of cultural heritage.
CLARIAH-AT has been receiving annual funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, as well as membership contributions by the institutions forming the consortium.
Conflict of Interests Disclosure
No Conflict of Interests to disclose.
CLARIAH-AT (2021), ‘Digital Humanities Austria Strategy 2021+. Four Guidelines for Digital Humanities in Austria. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2022).
CLARIAH-AT (2022), CLARIAH-AT website. Available at (Accessed: 10 October 2022).
CLARIN ERIC (2022), CLARIN ERIC website. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2022).
DARIAH-EU (2022), DARIAH-EU website. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2022).