The CLARIAH-AT-Roadshow: Introduction of 12 DH projects
On 13 September, as part of the CLARIAH-AT Summerschool ‘From Archive to Algorithm. Digital Humanities in Practice’, at the University of Salzburg, a roadshow of the DH projects funded in the CLARIAH-Call 2022 “Interoperability and Reusability of DH Data and Tools” took place at the end of the one-week workshop. The projects were presented in the form of posters. These covered an interdisciplinary range of applications of digital humanities methods.
- Nicola Brocca from the University of Innsbruck used digital tools in the context of linguistics. His ‘LadderWeb’ is an AI-based tool for ‘pragmatic annotation’. This web application makes it possible, for example, to analyse emails word by word for their contextual use.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- ‘Sharing the Crown’ , a project of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and the Centre for Information Modelling at the University of Graz (now the Institute for Digital Humanities), carried out analyses with questions of materiality. The Imperial Crown of the Heiliges Römisches Reich was analysed using scientific, art historical and technological methods. The results of this research will eventually be made available as a digital dataset on the website and are intended to stimulate further discussion about the origins of the crown. Participants in the project are Martina Grießer, Helene Hanzer, Franz Kirchweger, Peter Kloser, Teresa Lamers, Christopher Pollin, Georg Maximilian Reiter, Martina Scholger and Elisabeth Steiner.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- „Digital Edition Creation Pipelines: Tools and Transitions” , also from the Centre for Information Modelling at the University of Graz (now the Institute for Digital Humanities), did not focus on a specific research area, but aimed to provide best practice pipelines and tutorials for digital humanities tools. A project of Christopher Pollin, Sabrina Strutz, Christian Steiner and Helmut Klug.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- „Weißbuch Digitale Edition“ by Selina Galka, Susanne Hoefer and Helmut Klug is a “reference book” for programmes and projects related to digital editions. It is also linked to an extensive Zotero library.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- The ‘Esperanto Newspaper Excerpts’ , a searchable database of some 170,000 articles from the Hachette collection, provides an analysis of specific sources. The data produced by the project is hosted by the Austrian National Library. The project was presented by Simon Mayer.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- „SemanticKraus“ is also a project that makes sources and biographical data accessible and searchable online. This includes content from various research projects on the Austrian satirist Karl Kraus. The web interface also has an integrated SPARQL interface. Bernhard Oberreither, Daniel Elsner, Andreas Basch, Peter Andorfer, Carl Friedrich Haak, Astrid Hauer, Johanna Unterholzner, Lukas Plank, Stefan Probst, Ruth Pfosser, Laura Untner and Constance Quinlan are involved in the project.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- The „Digital Sustainability Relaunch of the MHDBDB” demonstrates the integration of digital tools over decades. The Middle High German Dictionary of Literary Terms project, which has been running since the 1970s, was published as an online application in the 1990s under the title Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank and is now in the beta phase as a renewed version. Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer, Alan van Beek and Julia Hintersteiner are involved in this project.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- The Winter Schools ‘Digitizing Materiality of the Pre-Modern Book’ & ‘Computer Vision for Digital Humanists’ at the University of Graz were two different ‘video schools’ focusing on the digitisation of books and the integration of ‘computer vision’ and ‘machine learning’. The recordings of the Winter Schools can be found on Sarah Lang’s YouTube channel. Sean M. Winslow is also involved in the project.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT (Digitizing Materiality)
Project website via CLARIAH-AT (Computer Vision)
- In the 1990s, Fritz Fellner of the Commission for Modern Austrian History initiated a project to publish the diaries of Joseph Maria Baernreither , a member of the Bohemian Parliament at the time. Doris Corradini took over the project and realised it together with Kurt Scharr, Christof Aichner and Richard Hörmann. The online edition should be completed by 2030.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- Christoph Steindl presented the project „IIIF and Machine Learning“ with three use cases demonstrating the benefits of an IIIF interface for library data. These relate to the colourisation of black and white photographs, the recognition of illustrations in books and their extraction, and the classification of images.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
- The Complexity Science Hub conducted a study on the accuracy of LLMs in relation to historical facts based on the Sheshat Global History Databank . Questions were asked with four possible answers. Conclusion of the study: LLMs currently lack expertise in historical knowledge. Participants in the project are: Jakob Hauser, Daniel Kondor, Jenny Reddish, Majid Benam, Enrico Cioni, Federica Villa, James S. Bennett, Daniel Hoyer, Pieter Francois, Peter Turchin and R. Maria del Rio-Chanona.
Project website via CLARIAH-AT
This article was originally published on the DH Salzburg website of PLUS Salzburg .
DH Salzburg Website