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University of Vienna

The University of Vienna is the largest and one of the oldest universities of the German-speaking area. Its ca. 90.000 students and 10.000 employees work in 20 faculties/centres and several service and central support units, many of which deal with matters digital.

The University’s Master’s program in Digital Humanities is organized together by the Faculties of Historical and Cultural Studies , and that of Philological and Cultural Studies which both have dedicated personnel on all academic levels who represent a broad variety of different approaches to data and computer-based research. These two faculties collaborate closely with other relevant stakeholders inside the university, e.g. with the University Library , the Computer Center and the institutional repositories PHAIDRA and AUSSDA as well as with the Vice-Rectorate for Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer and the Research Network Data Science . But also outside the University, DH-related collaboration is going on with other relevant institutions in the field, in Austria and beyond.
