Early Career Funding
CLARIAH-AT aims to support junior researchers at MA and PhD level, who have little or no other funding opportunity, in carrying out research in the fields of Digital Humanities. The consortium regards the funding as an investment in the future of Digital Humanities in Austria. Currently, junior researchers can apply for software licenses or credits for the service Transkribus required for their current papers and projects as well as travel grants to actively participate in conferences or networking opportunities.
Transkribus Scholarships
With a Transkribus CLARIAH-AT scholarship, junior researchers in the field of Digital Humanities (DH) & Cultural Heritage based in Austria can receive free Transkribus credit packages for the (handwritten) text recognition of their research material within the framework of their thesis, dissertation, paper or individual project (without 3rd party funding).
Please send us a short description of the project or paper you are working on as well as some background information about yourself using the application form on the Transkribus Website . The data as well as the research results of the project or the respective work should be made available and re-usable by the Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage research community in the context of the FAIR data principles.
Apply for CLARIAH-AT Transkibus ScholarshipLicense Pool for Software
Software licenses for programmes used for research in the field of Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage are often expensive. With this grant, the consortium aims to support young scholars who need specific software for the implementation of their research work, but do not receive funding for it via their university or place of work.
If you are working on such a project, please fill out the following form to give us a brief overview of your project and yourself and send it to: early-career@clariah.at .
Download Application Form for SoftwareTravel Grants
CLARIAH-AT has reserved funds for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 to support travel and networking activities of junior researchers at Austrian institutions with only limited or no other sources of funding: The grants are aimed at students and early career researchers based at an Austrian institution who wish to present a part of their current research in the fields of Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage in the form of a paper or poster at a conference, or want to acquire skills needed for their research through participation in a workshop.
In principle, up to €500 per application can be granted (higher amounts are possible in well-argued exceptional cases).
To apply for a travel grant, please fill in the application form (see link below). We ask you to provide us with information about yourself, your project and the planned trip, including a cost calculation for traveling, accommodation and participation in the conference. Please send your application, including the completed form and the cost calculation to: early-career@clariah.at .
Download Application Form for Travel GrantsAwarding of Grants
Selected members of the consortium meet at regular intervals to review applications and to vote on the allocation of funding. Notifications of approval or decline will be sent out within three months after receiving a complete application.
Applicants agree that all data and documents related to their submission may be forwarded to members of the CLARIAH-AT executive committee for the decision process. Applications should be in English for easier communication with the European infrastructures.
If you have questions, please write to: office@clariah.at .
List of funded Researchers and Projects
The names and projects of funded researchers are continuously added here. More information on the individual projects can be found in our Success Stories after completion of the projects.