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Hosting organisations
Uni Innsbruck - Forschungszentrum Digital Humanities
Responsible persons
Günter Mühlberger

Transkribus is a comprehensive platform for the transcription, recognition, searching and publishing of historical and especially handwritten documents. Users can train their own text recognition models according to their needs and transcription guidelines. About 50.000 users are registered in Transkribus (02/2021) and it is used by thousands of scholars all over the world. It is run by the European Cooperative Society READ-COOP SCE with about 80 members.

Transkribus offers a number of tools for the automated processing of documents, such as Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) , Layout Analysis and Structure Recognition. All services are for free in the basic version. Transkribus offers several public text recognition models which were trained by users or on the basis of user-generated data. Among these are models which work for German Kurrent and Fraktur, Medieval Latin and French, Latin and Greek printed texts, but also Swedish, Danish or even Ethiopian.