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Ödön von Horvath: Historical-critical edition – Digital edition

Hosting organisations
Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ZIM-ACDH)
Responsible persons
Hans Clausen, ZIM-ACDH, Martin Vejvar, Franz-Nabl-Institut für Literaturforschung, and Klaus Kastberger, Franz-Nabl-Institut für Literaturforschung

Ödön von Horváth is one of the most renowned German-speaking authors of the 20th century. The project page Ödön von Horvath: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe – Digitale Edition (historical-critical edition – digital edition) summarizes the editorial effort for his work. It allows insights into the methodology of the historical-critical print-edition and offers a digital edition of Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (1931; Tales from the Vienna Woods), which is intended as the beginning of a digitalization effort of his entire dramatic work. The digital edition puts special emphasis on visualisation techniques (network graphs) as new analytical tool in the Digital Humanities.