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Digital Edition White Paper - Update

Hosting organisations
Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ZIM-ACDH)
Responsible persons
Helmut W. Klug

Project lead: Mag. Dr. phil. Helmut W. Klug

Institution: Centre for Information Modelling, University of Graz

Project duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.03.2024

At the moment the Weißbuch (White Paper) contains over 200 entries, written by authors from 10 Austrian DH and CH institutions. The entries are grouped according to topics like the theory of scholarly editing, digitization, annotation and modeling, data analysis, archiving, etc. The entries provide a definition of the respective keyword as well as links to related keywords, relevant software or projects. In addition, literature references are provided, which are linked to an extensive Zotero library that lists literature on the topic of digital scholarly editing.

In terms of content, the articles are broadly based and are aimed at interested laypersons as well as the research community. The White Paper is not only a comprehensive knowledge resource on the topic of digital editions, but is also characterized by strong interconnectedness among the articles, resulting in exploratory access for users. The White Paper also contains 25 project descriptions on various digital editions, which are interconnected with the entries.

Despite the numerous contributions that have already been published, the White Paper certainly does not cover the complex topic of Digital Edition completely. Moreover, new research questions and subjects (e.g. DMP, minimal editing) have arisen since its publication and new keywords keep coming up, of which further explanation and inclusion in the White Paper would be quite useful. The project aims to expand and update the White Paper with updates to existing articles, articles on new keywords and additional project reports from the German-speaking editing community.

Keywords: digital edition

(intermediary) Outcomes

  • Call for Contributions
  • various proposals for revision of existing articles and the creation of new articles were submitted
  • a vast amount of articles has been finished in May 2023 by several authors; these articles are currently in preparation for peer-review