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Digital Edition White Paper - Update

Hosting organisations
Department of Digital Humanities
Responsible persons
Helmut W. Klug

Before the start of this project, the Weißbuch contained over 200 entries, written by authors from 10 Austrian Digital Humanities (DH) and Cultural Heritage (CH) institutions. The entries are grouped according to topics such as theory of scholarly editing, digitisation, annotation and modelling, data analysis, archiving, etc. The entries contain a definition of the respective keyword as well as links to related keywords, relevant software or projects. In addition, references are provided that are linked to an extensive Zotero library that lists literature on the topic of digital scientific editing.

The articles are broad in content and are aimed at both interested laypersons and the research community. The White Paper is not only a comprehensive knowledge resource on the topic of digital editions, but is also characterised by a strong interconnectedness of the articles, which enables explorative access for users. The Weißbuch also contains 25 project descriptions of various digital editions that are interlinked with the articles.

Despite the numerous contributions already published, the Weißbuch certainly does not fully cover the complex topic of digital editions. In addition, new research questions and topics (e.g. DMP, minimal editing) have emerged since its publication and new keywords are constantly appearing for which further explanation and inclusion in the White Paper would certainly be useful. The project therefore aimed to both update and expand the White Paper:

In the project “Updating and enlarging the Weißbuch”, the KONDE Weißbuch was expanded to include new articles on the topic of digital editions and existing articles in the online reference work were revised. This involved the following steps:

  • Preparation of the working environment for the writing and peer review process:
    • Google Drive folder structure created
    • Working files copied or created
    • Stylesheet, access to article texts and reference tables
  • Poster created for the project
  • Poster presentation of the project at DHd 2023
  • Review of existing articles in the KONDE White Paper for formal consistency and bibliographical content added to the associated zotero library
  • International call for contributions, in which 21 people submitted 63 proposals for revisions of existing and creation of new articles, as well as 5 ideas for editing projects
  • Going through the writing process incl. peer review procedure
  • Editing the articles (formal)
  • Incorporating the corrections
  • Transformation of the new articles to TEI/XML
  • Transformation of new project reports to TEI/XML
  • Adaptation of existing lists: software and tools, author list
  • Revision of the interface (modernisation, better accessibility, update to “Weißbuch Digital Edition”)
  • Revision and entry of general texts on the website (about the project, etc.)
  • Implementation of version control
  • Provision of PDFs for the individual contributions
  • Ingest of data into the publication and archiving environment GAMS

Keywords: digital edition


The result of this project, new or updated contributions to the White Paper, can be viewed at the following URL in combination with the specified keywords: > Weißbucheinträge

Keywords of new entries

AG Germanistische EditionForschungsdatenmanagementPipeline, Transition (technischer Workflow)SpielmechanikenText-Bild-Edition
Assertive EditionFRBR - Functional Requirements for Bibliographic RecordsPreprocessingTopic Modelling
BEACONGute Wissenschaftliche PraxisReguläre AusdrückeTranskribus
Data-Curation-ProfileInstitut für Dokumentologie und EditorikRelationen dokumentieren in TEITranskription von Digitalen Spielen
DatenmanagementplanInklusionRezension digitaler EditionenUser Experience
Digitale Edition von Digitalen Spielenkontrollierte Vokabularien, Taxonomien, ThesauriRIDEVideoaufzeichnungen
Digitale SpieleLesespurenSentimentanalyseWeb-Architektur für DSE
DTA BasisformatMinimal EditionSoftwareWikisource
Facetten-DrilldownOpen ScienceSoftwareentwicklung

Keywords of revised entries:

ArchiveditionGenetische EditionSemantic Web Technologien
BriefeditionMHDBDBUniversität Salzburg
Diplomatische EditionMockupUsability
Diplomatische TranskriptionNachlasseditionUser testing
Documentary EditingODDXSLT