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DigiCulture – Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries

Hosting organisations
Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ZIM-ACDH)
Responsible persons
Chiara Zuanni

The project aims to create a sustainable and efficient education program dedicated to adult learners with low digital skills and low-qualified adults involved in the creative industries sector from Romania, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Lithuania, UK and Ireland. The main outcomes include the Digital Skills and Social Inclusion for Creative Industries MOOC Courses available online and through blended learning, the Integrated Virtual Learning Hub including an innovative mobile app aimed at low-skilled and at-risk adults, the Digital Skills e-assessment tool and Open Badges for Digital Skills. Together they will provide important new opportunities for low-skilled adults to access knowledge, gain new digital skills and inter-cultural competences and improve their chances of finding employment or performing better in their current employment.

The DigiCulture – Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries – project aims to create a sustainable and efficient education program dedicated to adult learners with low skills in the creative industries from Romania, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Lithuania, UK and Ireland. The project focus on openness and inclusive in education. It involves the use and development of an open online and mobile course Digital Skills and Social Inclusion for Creative Industries, built as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), an innovative adult educational program of 13 modules available in English, Romanian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Danish and Gaelic, integrating new Open Education Resources (OER) and accessible to people with limited digital skills.

The diverse partnership reunites adult education centers from technical universities, art and humanities universities, SMEs with expertise in eLearning and in art, professionals in eLearning associations and associations for European Capital of Culture 2020 and 2021, involved as partners and associates. The project targets young adults who are unemployed, staff and volunteers of European Capitals of Culture, creative industries adults with low digital skills, at levels of seniority, experience or level of craft, actors in traditional skills activities, museums, media, architecture, humanities. Gaining digital skills will improve their career opportunities by providing access to new marketing tools, new distribution markets through Internet access and ecommerce, and adding the possibility of new forms of digital expression to their work.

At the end of DigiCulture all the tools and materials will be under the Creative Commons License, available online or on DSC mobile app available for all.


  • Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy
  • Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
  • University of Graz, Austria
  • Dublin City University, Ireland
  • TM2021 Asociatia Timisoara Capitala Culturala Europeana, Romania
  • JME Associates Ltd, UK
  • NADE National Association of Distance Education, Lithuania