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Atlas of the Viennese Avantgardes

Hosting organisations
Uni Wien - Institut für Germanistik and ACDH-CH - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
Responsible persons
Sabine Müller, Ingo Börner, and Wolfgang Straub

Image: Zünd-Up, “St. Stephan’s Count Down 2”, 1969

The Viennese avant-gardes of the 1950s and 1960s enjoy a superlative international reputation. Works from Viennese Actionism, the Vienna Group, or the Expanded Cinema are represented in the world’s most important collections of contemporary art. As yet, however, Austria has not had an institutional hub that corresponds to this resonance. The Atlas of the Viennese Avantgardes (AVA) will close this gap and establish an internationally networked digital centre at the Austrian Academy of Sciences for researching and disseminating knowledge about the Viennese avant-gardes.

The Atlas of the Viennese Avantgardes (AVA) will offer an interested public as well as the sciences an orientation, and it will create a space for the presentation of applicable research. A central feature of the online platform will be filmed interviews with the proponents of the avant-gardes in Vienna. Research and dissemination will be directed towards the question of what connections to the present and social benefits can be derived from the works and thoughts of the avant-gardes.