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Aldersbach Chronicle

Hosting organisations
ACDH-CH - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Universität Graz, and Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ZIM-ACDH)
Responsible persons
Robert Klugseder, Maximilian Vogeltanz, and Georg Vogeler

The Cistercian monastery of Aldersbach was one of the most important monasteries in Bavaria. A rich tradition of archival records allows a comprehensive reconstruction of the history of the monastery from its foundation in 1146 until its dissolution in 1803. A central source of this tradition is the German-language chronicle of Abbot Gerhard Hörger (r. 1651-1659), edited here for the first time.

The edition consists of a digital humanities treatment of a 137-page manuscript from the mid-17th century, which is now kept in the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich. In addition to a scholarly introduction, the websites offer a semantically enriched digital edition of Hörger’s chronicle in a synoptic view in which the transcription and illustrations of the original source are juxtaposed.