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Hosting organisations
ACDH-CH - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
Responsible persons
Vanessa Hannesschläger and Tanja Wissik

The ACDH-CH organized a virtual Hackathon, funded by CLARIAH-AT with the data of the DH Course Registry, a platform that provides an overview of DH teaching activities worldwide. The data is available via an API. In this hack, the task was to develop a creative mode of visualizing data and metadata about teaching activities. Here the 4 winning projects are presented.

Martina Trognitz & Lukas Gehrig: CORIANDER COurse RegIstry stAtistics aNd aDditional matERial - Adding further functionalities to the DH Cource Registry by CLARIN and DARIAH (Link to github

First place in the ACDH-CH virtual hackathon 2020.

The project provides visual access to the course registry of DARIAH and tools for visualizing it, by year, location and providing data visualization on the topics listed among the courses in the registry. With CORIANDER, its creators provide a web application that allows an exploratory view to data pulled from the DH course registry’s API. The application has two access points. First, an interactive bar chart that displays keywords from the Course Registry together with countries and dates. Second, a chord chart that shows co-occurrence of keywords in the courses. The data taken from the course registry is enriched by additional data taken from Zotero and Wikidata.

Marta Palandri & Raphael Mitsch: DH Education Knowledge Map - creating knowledge maps via hypertext (Link github

Ex-aequo second place (together with the submission “Notlef”) in the ACDH-CH virtual hackathon 2020.

The team decided to use Wikipedia’s API to create “intricate webs of knowledge spreading from each bit of information given by the DH Course Registry”. The application is divided into four panels, presenting the courses as a table and a scatterplot, and the wikipedia information in the form of a graph as well as a paragraph from Wiki about the selected node from the graph.

Philip Allfrey: Notlef (Link github:

Ex-aequo second place (together with the submission “DH Education Knowledge Map”) in the ACDH-CH virtual hackathon 2020.

The design of the visualisations of the Notlef project are inspired by the 2009 Feltron annual report. The application consists of 2 pages, courses and places where a set of data is highlighted in colour. Clicking on one of these values will filter the other data by that page (e.g. to show information for a particular country). This project is the only project that only used the DH Course Registry data and did not enriched the data with additional resources.

Francesca Giovannetti, Ivan Heibi, Bruno Sartini: ACDH-2020 (Link github:

Third place in the ACDH-CH virtual hackathon 2020.

The project goal is to investigate the techniques taught by the different DH courses and the collaborations in terms of academic publications between institutions: the proposed visualization should offer the user the possibility to easily access, for each course of the registry, the relations among researchers working in each institution. For this project the DH Course Registry Data was enriched with external datasets such as Microsoft Academics and Crossref.