CfP - Book Proposal: "Digital Translation History. Processing historical Data with new Methodologies"
to be published at a top-ranked international publisher
Coordinated/edited by Diana Roig-Sanz and Philipp Hofeneder
In the last twenty years, digital humanities made a splash in the literary field, but digital methods have slowly seeped into translation studies and, particularly, into translation history. Undoubtedly, there are multiple definitions of digital humanities, but there is still no consensus regarding how they can be applied to translation studies and to translation history, more specifically. As it’s well-known, digital humanities methods have been mainly related to corpora studies, bibliometric and bibliographical research, translation technology, and the gathering and analysis of online available metadata. However, these research avenues do not always consider the whole range of methodological possibilities and practical applications on which the digital humanities are based on. Among them, we would like to highlight the general principles of long-term preservation, digital editions of (historical) translations, as well as the enrichment with further semantic data, especially in the case of historical translation databases, or the use of AI. As humanities researchers we still tend to think “small”, but we have now the chance to think “big” and we urgently need some theoretical and methodological reflections, as well as empirical case studies that allow us to set the grounds of the discipline and offer general standards for our community.
The full call for proposals is available here .
Authors should submit an abstract (300 words), affiliation, bio-note and a short reference list to Diana Roig Sanz (dsanzr /at/ uoc.edu) and Philip Hofeneder (philipp.hofeneder /at/ uni-graz.at) before July 7th 2024.
All papers will be published in a top-ranked publisher, and will undergo a double-blind peer review process. The expected publication calendar is as follows:
7th July 2024: submission of abstracts
12th August 2024 at the latest: acceptance or rejection of book chapters proposals
15th December 2024: first submission of a 7500 word paper.
January-March 2025: double-blind peer review process.
April- May: revision of first draft
June: second and final submission.
Expected book publication: Fall 2025.