CLARIN Café - Translation Technologies & Workflows for SSH Researchers
When: Friday, June 14th 2024; 14:00 – 16:00
Where: CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting
CLARIN Host: Iulianna van der Lek
Registration: Please register via this link .
This CLARIN Café is designed to share knowledge and expertise on translation technologies from a train-the-trainer perspective. It aims to provide an overview of available open educational resources that can be used in translation technology teaching and learning. After an introduction to translation and translation technology, the invited speakers will share their experience with teaching data literacy in the context of (machine) translation based on the data lifecycle of a typical (machine) translation project, including data context, planning, collection, production, evaluation, and use. The presentations will also include references to CLARIN language resources and technologies which can be used in the translation classroom.
Educators, researchers, and research infrastructure professionals from SSH disciplines interested in learning how to use translation technologies either in the classroom, their research projects, or to localize their infrastructure interfaces and materials into another language are invited to join the session and participate in the discussions. The session is also useful for students and professionals who plan to make a career switch and embrace a career in translation.
Draft programme (to be confirmed):
14:00 – 14:05 Opening and CLARIN 101 – Francesca Frontini (CLARIN )
14.05 – 14.35 What is translation and the role of translation technology? by Vesna Lusicky
14.35 – 15.00 Didactic resources for teaching data literacy in the context of machine translation literacy by Janiça Hackenbuchner and Ralph Krüger
15.00-15.25 Translation technology tools, language resources and workflows by Vesna Lusicky
15.25 – 15.50 How works by Vincent Vandeghinste
10 min – Q&A
Vesna Lušicky is a lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Translation Studies of the University of Vienna . She has wide experience in teaching translation technology and language resource management, as well as translation process and project management. She has been involved in CLARIN activities as a member of the Knowledge Infrastructure Committee, as well as co-leader of the CLARIN K-Centre for Terminology Resources and Translation Corpora (TRTC) , which is part of the CLARIN-AT consortium. Recently, Vesna also joined the CLARIN Trainers’ Network.
Janiça Hackenbuchner is an FWO fellow PhD researcher in machine translation at Ghent University. Her research focus lies on machine translation systems and gender inclusiveness. Before her PhD, she worked on the DataLitMT Project, alongside Professor Ralph Krüger, developing didactic resources for teaching data literacy in the context of machine translation literacy. She is a member of an EU-funded Erasmus+ project on digital literacy in language technology, co-founder of the DeBiasByUs platform and co-organiser of the first two Workshops on Gender-Inclusive Translation Technologies. Her broader research interests also cover developments in and fairness, as well as data and digital literacy training. She holds an MA in Specialised Translation and a BA in Sciences, and she has experience teaching at the BA and MA levels.
Ralph Krüger is a Professor of Language and Translation Technology at the Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication at TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany. He received his PhD in translation studies from the University of Salford, UK, in 2014, and completed his habilitation at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, in 2024. His current research focuses on the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) and large language models (LLMs) in the specialised translation process and on didactic strategies and resources for teaching the technical basics of NMT/LLMs to students from translation and specialised communication programmes.
Vincent Vandeghinste is a senior researcher at the Dutch Language Institute (INT) in Leiden, the Netherlands. He is the CLARIN National Coordinator for Belgium and a guest professor at the University of Leuven , where he teaches Machine Translation: Advanced Topics to students in the Postgraduate programme on Translation Technology. He wrote his PhD in 2008 on Low-Resource Machine Translation. His recent research focuses on NLP for Inclusion, including Sign Language Machine Translation, and Language Infrastructures, such as CLARIN.
Find the latest up to date information about this CLARIN Café on the CLARN ERIC website .
A full overview of planned CLARIN Café sessions can be found on the CLARIN Café page.