Stefan George Digital
- Hosting-Organisationen
- Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ZIM-ACDH)
- Verantwortliche Personen
- Frederike Neuber
- Beginn
- Ende
The digital scholarly edition Stefan George Digital (StGD) is, as its name implies, dedicated to the oeuvre of the German author Stefan George (1868-1933). It is primarily concerned with the role and application of typography within the printed collections of George‘s poetry and the formal canon of the so-called Stefan-George-typeface (St-G-typeface). In a second step, the project will also investigate the relation between George‘s book hand script and the St-G-typeface. To explore these research areas, the project is testing out the possibilities offered by the TEI Guidelines and experiments with the application and integration of semantic technologies in the digital edition.
The corpus of StGD consists of Stefan George‘s poetical works, 29 printed editions of them, published between 1891 and 1933 and selected according to their textual and typographical variation. All volumes are encoded in XML/TEI as well as enhanced by bibliographical data through FRBR and METS. Furthermore the full texts are accompanied by corresponding facsimiles, provided via a IIIF compliant image server using the OpenSeadragon viewer.
In the future (2016) the digital edition will be openly available via the FEDORA based asset management system GAMS.
The digital edition Stefan George Digital is currently emerging as part of a PhD Project at the Centre for Information Modelling at the University of Graz. It is developed in the context of a DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network) fellowship, funded under Marie Curie Actions within the European Commission‘s 7th Framework Program.