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Digitizing the Materiality of the Premodern Book

Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ZIM-ACDH)
Verantwortliche Personen
Sarah Lang und Sean Winslow

[© HAB Wolfenbüttel http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/46-med-1s/start.htm?image=00016 CC BY-SA]

The foundational skills at the intersection of digitization, bibliography, and the Digital Humanities are crucial for many scholars, yet instruction frequently only covers one maybe two of these intersecting aspects. For example, use of the Text Encoding Initiative XML standard is increasingly the norm in digital scholarly editing, but many individuals working with textual materials do not have access to relevant scholarly training in DH. Conversely, many DH departments, lack rare book specialists. The goal of this workshop is to create one succinct class where students will learn the necessary skills for understanding how the materiality of pre-modern books can be digitized and provide a foundation for putting those skills into practice. After attending this workshop, students will understand the fundamentals of digitization and how books and manuscripts are described in the TEI, including the msdescription and transcription modules. The workshop as an event is used to create materials which will be made into a video class for self-study.

This project is funded by CLARIAH-AT with the support of BMBWF.