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DARIAH Annual Event 2025: Call for Papers

The Past

About the Theme

The Past encompasses a wide range of topics in the Digital Humanities, ranging from the study of ancient cultures to contemporary history. Indeed, the study of the past is greatly enriched by new technologies and methods, which have profoundly changed the ways that we do research today, from primary research (digitized collections), analysis (OCR, HTR, etc), transmission and communication (blogs, online meetings, conferences & classes), and beyond.
DARIAH encourages submissions that leverage Digital Humanities approaches to analyze, interpret, and present historical and archaeological data. Whether through digital methods, workflows, archives, computational analysis, interactive media, or other digital means, DARIAH seeks to highlight innovative approaches to studying the past.

Topics of Interest

DARIAH welcomes contributions on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Digital Archiving and Preservation: Methods and challenges in digitizing and preserving historical documents, artifacts, and multimedia.
  • Historical Data Analysis: Using big data, AI, and machine learning to uncover new insights into historical events and trends.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality: Applications of VR and AR in recreating historical environments and experiences.
  • Digital Storytelling: Narratives of the past through digital media, including podcasts, interactive websites, and digital exhibitions.
  • Spatial explorations of the past: Geo-referencing of historical maps and gazetteers, mapping mobility and spatial connections in historical networks.
  • Textual Analysis: Digital methods for analyzing and interpreting historical texts, manuscripts, and inscriptions.
  • Crowdsourcing History: Engaging the public in the collection and interpretation of historical data.
  • Historiography and Methodology: The impact of digital tools on historical research methodologies and historiographical debates.
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches: Collaborations between digital humanities and other fields such as archaeology, anthropology, and sociology.
  • Critical Perspectives: Challenges and ethical considerations in the digital representation of historical data.
  • Pedagogical Practices: The impact of digital humanities on teaching and learning about the past.
  • Contested Histories: Discussions on the debates, controversies, and challenges that have marked the development of the digital humanities.
  • Reconstructed Histories: How digital technologies have allowed us to reconstruct the past, in ways that would not have been possible before.


  • January 16th, 2025: Call for papers opens
  • February 28th, 2025 (included): Call for papers closes
  • End of April, 2025: Notification of acceptance
  • May 2025: Registration opens
  • June 17th - 20th, 2025: DARIAH Annual Event in Göttingen, Germany


The call for participation accepts:

  • Papers
  • Panels
  • Posters and Demos

For all contributions, a title and an abstract are to be submitted via the Submission page, which can be accessed here .

Accepted submissions will be published in the Book of Abstracts on Zenodo. All accepted papers will be part of thematic sessions, chaired by a member of the Programme Committee.

The DARIAH Annual Event combines different forms of encounter and exchange between DARIAH researchers and the wider cultural heritage, arts and humanities, as well as computer, information and data science communities.

Types of Proposals

  • Paper submissions should include a title, the names of the authors and a 500-word abstract. In ConfTool, please provide the abstract text in the corresponding field; please also upload a pdf with the abstract, references and (possibly) images (500 words max, excluding references). DARIAH expects papers to be in the range of 15-20 min.
  • Panel submissions should include a general title and a list of contributions that make up the panel, the names of the authors for each contribution and a 750-word abstract for the whole panel. In ConfTool, please also upload a pdf with the abstract, references and (possibly) images (750 words max, excluding references). The total duration of the panel session is 90 minutes. DARIAH encourages the authors of this submission type to include moments of exchange with the audience, DARIAH would like this to be an interactive session, as much as allowed by the time and format.
  • DARIAH is looking for original posters and demos related to the topic of this year’s event. This category typically includes state-of-the-art project reports, work in progress, beta-versions of tools or new releases of existing tools and services. Demonstration interfaces, online prototypes and experimental work with data at the intersection of cultural heritage and the arts and humanities are welcome. Submissions should include a title, the names of the authors and a 500-word abstract. In ConfTool, please also upload a pdf with the abstract, references and (possibly) images (500 words max, excluding references).


Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers selected among the Programme Committee (PC) and other DARIAH bodies (DARIAH Joint Research Committee, DARIAH National Coordinator Committee, DARIAH Coordination Office, DARIAH Strategic Management Team). The reviewers are chosen by the PC according to their expertise in the digital arts and humanities and digital cultural heritage.

The proposals will be reviewed against the following criteria:

  1. Structure and clarity
  2. Originality, innovation
  3. Relevance to the event’s topic
  4. Relevance to DARIAH’s communities and DARIAH’s strategy  

Further details can be found in the Peer Review Guidelines .

Find the latest news and infos about the open call at the DARIAH-EU website: